Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Huntsville Hospital Mural (In Women and Children)

The new play room is not finished yet, but the murals are finished! This has been a fun process. Thank you to the Huntsville Hospital Foundation for giving us an open ended schedule. Cindy just had Nick, Alissa has physical restrictions, and Skip picked up the slack. It was great to work as a team again and enjoy each other's company. We challenged ourselves and feel like we were successful in many ways! Take a look...

Monday, May 18, 2009

Cabin Themed Mural Almost Complete...

We are estimating about a week left to complete the cabin themed mural for Huntsville Hospital. Here are some photos of the most recent elements painted...
Mural In Progress

Monday, May 11, 2009

Huntsville Hopital Cabin Mural IN PROGRESS

The Average To Art Crew has a couple more weeks to complete the NEW Huntsville Hospital indoor play room murals. We have been working hard and wanted to share our progress.