Tuesday, October 31, 2006

People and colors... choose wisely

November is all about cabinets and we are so excited to share more tips... tomorrow. November also sets the stage for the beginning of the holiday season. With the last entry of the month, we thought we'd touch on sentiments of the season with a little color connection.

We may not get to choose the family we are born or married into, but we do have a choice in the people and colors we surround ourselves with. By surrounding yourself with people and colors that uplift and motivate you, life begins to make sense on your terms. So when choosing what surrounds you, colors or people, remember you deserve the best. So many of our clients ask if a color is ok to paint? We say, “Any color is ok, if it makes you feel AMAZING.”

Here at Average to art, we are blessed to have the best employees who exemplify the highest ethics and character. We refuse to settle for anything less than exceptional on and off the job site.

Follow your bliss and you will succeed…

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