Friday, June 12, 2009

Girls Inc of Huntsville, AL

Girls Incorporated of Huntsville educates and empowers girls, at a critical time in their lives to become confident, self-sufficient and successful through outcome-based, health, technical and life-skills training, thus inspiring all girls to be strong, smart and bold!
Over 60% of girls currently enrolled in our program are on scholarship assistance. We need your support so that we may continue to work of inspiring our girls to be strong, smart and bold. The stakes are too high to let even one girl fall through the crack without realizing her potential.
Click on the link to donate or volunteer today!

Girls Inc Mural Day 2

Josie and the girls visited our cabin mural at Huntsville Hospital Women and Children. We had a lot of fun. The hospital was very kind and provided the girls some lemonade and cookies. Cassie Scott from the Chamber and Sharon Steelman from Bamma Jammer joined us.

We had some play time and a questions and answer session for the girls to learn more about our careers and businesses.

Girls Inc Mural Day 1

Josie Murakaru is a fabulous program director for 5th and 6th young ladies. She is also in my Connect 9 education group. Josie invited me to do a project with the girls, exposing them to a creative business, and then they would take a field trip to one of our murals.
What we came up with was a mural "puzzle". I put up blank poster boards, painted the design in black, then took the individual posterboards for the girls to paint. My only direction was not to paint over the black lines. They didn't know what the final mural would be and you can see the results below.
Girls inc inspires girls to be strong, smart and bold. Can you see those words in their mural?

Blast From The Past!

I was going through our work from 2006. This travel mural was one of our first full room projects as a team. The clients for this project are still one of our favorites and their son was so much fun!