Friday, June 12, 2009

Girls Inc Mural Day 1

Josie Murakaru is a fabulous program director for 5th and 6th young ladies. She is also in my Connect 9 education group. Josie invited me to do a project with the girls, exposing them to a creative business, and then they would take a field trip to one of our murals.
What we came up with was a mural "puzzle". I put up blank poster boards, painted the design in black, then took the individual posterboards for the girls to paint. My only direction was not to paint over the black lines. They didn't know what the final mural would be and you can see the results below.
Girls inc inspires girls to be strong, smart and bold. Can you see those words in their mural?


Allison said...

love love love this! did I mention I looove it?

Cindy said...

What a GREAT idea and design... only Alissa could come up with a great vision for this decor that the girls will always remember doing!!! Looks awesome!